How to Use

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Sieve the powder into a bowl and gradually add water, (as you would do with sugar icing powder) then blend (do not whisk) until you reach the consistency you’re looking for. This will depend on whether you prefer to pour, spread, drizzle or pipe the icing. Cover the icing with a damp cloth and allow to stand for 15 mins. before use.

Food Colouring:
Can now be added, I recommend either Wiltons or Sugarflair. Due to the natural creamy colour of the icing to achieve a royal blue will require adding a little more colouring, or you can remove the cream colour, by adding first Wilton’s ‘White White’. Red can also be a little difficult, but Sugarflair ‘Red Extra’ works very well all are pet friendly.

Crumb Coat:
For all your decorating except ‘drizzling’ it’s recommended to apply a thin crumb coat (see photos) approx. equal parts icing to water i.e. 10g icing & 10ml water. Once dried & hardened will seal the cake/biscuit and prevent the finished icing from cracking. This is because when the icing is applied, the cake/treat will immediately suck out the moisture from the icing causing the decoration to crack once dried.

To Dry:
If you need to speed up the drying process use a fan oven at 55 – 60 degrees, (same temperature as if you needed to warm plates) or leave at room temperature for 24hrs. 

Fondant Icing Recipe Coat:
50g K9 icing powder
20ml water
10g dripping, lard, goose fat or coconut oil.

Blend together to produce a very dry mix then into a firm dough. Place the icing into a zip lock or freezer bag. Squeeze all the icing to the bottom of the bag, then place in the freezer for 30min or fridge for an hour.

Using an icing sieve, sprinkle over a non-stick silicon mat. Carefully lay on mat.

Now the fondant icing can be rolled to required thickness, ready to use. Press out your chosen shapes and place on a tray.

Once all the icing has been used remove any icing powder on the decorations by carefully wiping with a food brush or sterile damp cloth (J-cloth).